Advertising Agency: Sioux Group
Client: Adobe Brazil
Advertising Agency: Sioux Group
Client: Warner Home Entertainment
More than apps and services, Adobe is about creativity and this value is so important to the social media conversation than anything else. We needed to improve perceptions of creativity for everybody, and elect Adobe as an authority in this dialog.
The Warner Home concept began to speak louder and louder to the fan. The challenge of speaking to this expert audience was very great, however, the love for the content was greater.
From there, the concept "Who loves, collects!" took shape and made the Warner Home Entertainment page become a reference for creating innovative, and of course, collectable content! <3
The Warner Home concept began to speak louder and louder to the fan. The challenge of speaking to this expert audience was very great, however, the love for the content was greater.
From there, the concept "Who loves, collects!" took shape and made the Warner Home Entertainment page become a reference for creating innovative, and of course, collectable content! <3
The objective was offer fast learning to all users on all platforms, by sharing:
• Authorial line of content creation where the grid and feed are open panels for creativity;
• Fast and lively assets that attract attention on the thumbstopping effect;
• Creations encourage the use of tools and encourage engagement;
• Less information, more visual.
I edited and manipulated all the images displayed here, built all compositions and recorded the entire process, in order to share these walkthrough with users.
The creative approach and the appropriate frequency of publications are part of a much larger structure that involves real-time interactions and business intelligence to promote the constant growth of a qualified and engaged consumer base.
The creative approach and the appropriate frequency of publications are part of a much larger structure that involves real-time interactions and business intelligence to promote the constant growth of a qualified and engaged consumer base.
Art Direction: Lara Rodrigues
Social Media: Guilherme Umeda
Community Manager: Phelipe Barros
The client was very open to our ideas and suggestions, it's so good to create content with this freedom. The community is also very engaging, which made possible to have feedbacks and new ideas for future creations. Amazing project that I loved to work on! <3